Seventh Grade

GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! I HATE HOMEWORK! Seventh grade was way harder than I thought. Watch out because you never know what’s coming next.

When I got to seventh grade I thought that the homework load would be reasonable and that I would be able to keep my 10 PM bedtime. But it turns out that the homework load is completely unreasonable because the teachers want to prepare us for eighth grade. Also I began to fall in love with golf even more and golf 30 hours a week. I would get home at 9 from golf and study until my eyes would bail out on me.

I also figured out that the 3 most important things in life are golf, grades, and God. Now, I know that grades and golf will get me into college and a career, and God will guide me there. This year I have gotten even closer to God and have built up my faith with him.

I’m very excited for eighth grade. I hope to build up my faith even more with God. I also hope to decrease my score in golf and make straight A’s. I have had a great year in seventh grade. Although the year was tough, we all pushed through it.

One thought on “Seventh Grade

  1. “I also figured out that the 3 most important things in life are golf, grades, and God. Now, I know that grades and golf will get me into college and a career, and God will guide me there.”

    Beautifully put, Lauren. You are a talented writer, with a gift for putting your thoughts into expressive words.

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