Hunger Games Review


Hunger Games is an extraordinary book about a dictating capitol taking over 12 districts and destroying their freedom. Hunger Games expresses both love and bravery. This book makes you wonder every second about what is going to happen next. The Hunger Games makes your heart beat as fast as a butterflies wings.
In this story Katniss Everdeen enters the hunger games to protect her sister. Her true love Peeta gets into the hunger games and they fight for their lives and freedom. During their journey in the hunger games they encounter some fierce rivalries. Katniss and Peeta eventually win the hunger games with a thrilling finale. The Hunger Games is almost the same as a horror movie, has a lot of thrilling elements, and is the opposite of  the Running Dream.


It was blacker than black. Pitch black. There is one little blur of light next to me as I read. I suddenly hear a slight trickle of water. I close my eyes and slowly turn my head around. I flutter my eyes open and to my believe there is rain. Rain, I thought. I see the micro size raindrops pound against the window. How can something so small create such a loud noise, I think. My curiosity kept on growing for how these raindrops land. The tall, whimsical, trees with plump green leaves have raindrops gliding down them as if they’re skiing on a black slope. Wow, I thought. I see the ground starts to have little streams of rain running into the grass. I turn back around and get back to reading trying to get rid of my curiosity, so that I can focus.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is about honoring our brave soldiers and to remember their sacrifices they have made and the courage it takes to defend honor, duty, and our country. We all celebrate Veterans Day to honor our heroes, to remember their achievements, the courage and dedication, and to say thank you to the many sacrifices they have made.

Flags and Soldiers

A flag is what represents our country. Our country, the United States of America is brave, loyal, truthful, and strong. Our flag represents our freedom, our united nation, and so much more.
Soldiers are courageous. They go out and fight even if it’s a one in a million chance that they will survive. Soldiers are the U.S.As heroes. They have brought us freedom, bravery, and the ability to sleep at night.

My Lucky Shoes

It’s dark. Pitch black. My eyes are shut tight. I’m praying that I can win this tournament. I know that the other girls are better than me. They have been playing for 6 or 7 years. I have only been playing for one. Today I’m going to win. I’m determined. Underneath the layer of confidence I show, there’s fear. I know I will win cause I have… My lucky shoes. I have had these shoes through the year I have been playing. Despite how filthy the bottom of the shoe is. They have won me either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in every tournament. These shoes are white with a black nike sign next to the grey pattern. They have brought me above and beyond my career. I hesitantly open my eyes to my name being called. I step onto the tee box, put my tee in, take a practice swing, and BAM a 215 yard driver down the center of the fairway, past the other girls shots. “Thank you”, I whisper to my shoes. You lead me to victory.


Yoga is about letting out all of your inner frustration. When you do yoga your suppost to gain inner peace. Inner peace is important so that you can have self control through tough situations. In yoga it also relaxes your body muscles. It’s important to relax body muscles so that they will be ready when you need to use them. Yoga is a great thing to do.

The Day My Life Flashed in Front of My Eyes

I smelt the freshly cut grass go up into my nose. I tasted the dirt slip into my mouth. I could hear the wind against a driver and I turned around to see whose it was and; “ping”, that’s the last thing I heard before I passed out. The dead grass and canvas painted sky turned into a blacked out blur. I felt the soft grass in between my toes turn into cold, hard, rock. I saw my life flash in front of my eyes.

Now, all I can hear is that ear screeching sound ring through my head from the golf clubs impact. What? Why? Where am I?, I thought. I try to open my eyes, but it doesn’t seem to work. I see little dabs of color swirling around. Why are there colors? Why can’t I open my eyes? WHAT IS GOING ON?, my anger starts to rise and now I’m screaming at myself inside my head. I think of all the possible things that might have happened. Am I dead?, I ask myself. No answer. Thinking that I might be dead I question, God? Hello? God? No answer again. Well, I’m not dead, I think.

My eye suddenly starts to feel like little strings are pulling it back, like a puppet. Then I realized what had happened. I slowly flutter my eyes open and look around me to figure out my surroundings. I smell the stench of saline disgrace my nose. I’m in a hospital, I think. I start to hyper-ventilate. I taste the salty tears trickle over my lips and onto my tongue. I lay here on a blue hospital bed speechless.

I’m alive! I’m awake!, I think. I see that a nurse with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes is pulling me into a cat scan. Uh oh, I think. It’s dark and all white. I look up where the nurse tells me to look at and 2 hours later I’m done.

All I can think about now is the pain. My eye is black and swollen. I look disturbing. My life stinks, thanks a lot golf club, I think. It feels like it punctured my heart. I’m so ugly. The pain still haunts my dreams.

When I Got Hit In The Eye With A Golf Club

I felt the soft grass in between my toes turn into cold, hard, rock. The green grass and canvas painted sky turned into a blacked out blur. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and looked all around, tilting my head to different angles. I smelt the stench of saline disgrace my nose. I tasted the salty tears trickle over my lips and onto my tongue. My eye felt like little strings were pulling it back, like a puppet. Then I realized what had happened. The pain still haunts my dreams.